Last week, I ventured off to Baa Ram Ewe in Harrogate for a Scandinavian Knitting workshop with Mary Jane Mucklestone. After a scrummy lunch at Wagamama. I wandered down to the shop. I’ve been to the one at Leeds plenty of times but not yet had a chance to go to the Harrogate shop.
The shop was gorgeous. It was very light and a riot of colour. Details for the shops here. The workshop was held downstairs in the basement and it really was fantastic. Mary Jane was lovely and very knowledgeable. She’d brought all the samples from the book, 150 Scandinavian Knitting Designs and it was really interesting to see and feel what they were like.
The main parts of the workshop were learning No Purl Garter Stitch in the round and Norwegian Purl. I normally work stranded knitting with a yarn in each hand, but under Mary Jane’s guidance had a go at trying both yarns in my left hand. I think it’ll take some practice to get it right but it is always good to have another way of knitting in your skill set. There was lots of other information about the history, steeks, weaving etc. If you ever get a chance to do one of her workshops, I definitely recommend it – she knows her stuff!
I even got my book signed and a complementary badge!
I have plans to make a Scandinavian inspired hot water bottle cover using several of the designs from Mary Jane’s book.
This is the before picture…