
Neat Knitting Techniques – Signed Copy


Please note: The dispatch times on the pre-order version will be 1 – 3 weeks.

All copies of Neat Knitting Techniques purchased directly from Hardybarn Designs are signed copies and come with a free knitting bookmark.

Discover the best techniques for making your knitting neater and creating the perfect finish.

Completing a project, only to discover irregular tension, untidy joins or a tight cast off can be disheartening and ruin the look of a knitted piece. Neat Knitting Techniques provides a toolkit of essential skills and solutions to common issues, helping you knit in a neater way. Step-by-step photos, diagrams and straightforward instructions illustrate each technique, and three full knitting patterns encourage you to put your skills into practice.

For EU customers only, please purchase via ETSY.

Availability: Only 1 left in stock

Please note: The dispatch times on the pre-order version will be 1 – 3 weeks.

All copies of Neat Knitting Techniques purchased directly from Hardybarn Designs are signed copies and come with a free knitting bookmark.

Discover the best techniques for making your knitting neater and creating the perfect finish.

Completing a project, only to discover irregular tension, untidy joins or a tight cast off can be disheartening and ruin the look of a knitted piece. Neat Knitting Techniques provides a toolkit of essential skills and solutions to common issues, helping you knit in a neater way. Step-by-step photos, diagrams and straightforward instructions illustrate each technique.

Topics covered include:
• Making an accurate swatch
• Different knitting styles
• Selecting the best yarn for your project
• A useful cast-on toolkit, covering eight different methods
• Improving purl stitch problems
• Shaping stitches and positioning
• Fixing issues with knitting in the round
• Working with multiple yarns, including managing ends and creating stripes
• Creating perfect edges, including picking up and grafting
• A cast-off toolkit of six different methods, covering different cast off positions and casting off in the round
• Weaving in ends
• Finishing touches, including sewing up and blocking
• Troubleshooting problems during and after knitting

Neat Knitting Techniques includes 3 exclusive knitting patterns that allow you to practice some of the techniques mentioned.

To find out more details on the patterns, such as yarn requirements and gauge.

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