
Just tying up a few loose ends here. These are few projects from the last couple of months that I haven’t talked about much.
Remember this big Pile O’ Knits, I’ll show you a few that were in that pile.

The first is made from Paulina Popiolek‘s Orion Belt pattern, made from Katia Kiss. I really enjoyed this one. Even though it looks complicated, the majority is TV knitting, i.e. mainly knit and purl so I can watch TV at the same time. The Katia Kiss has a luster to it, so quite an interesting shawl in the end. I love the little celtic knots. Kiss Orion project page.

Secondly, a Bandana CowlPurl Soho, made from just 1 ball of Rowan Cocoon. I loved the Cocoon, it’s very soft and squidgy. Cocoon Bandana project page.
Finally, the sweetest little Grampa cardigan. The pattern is Gramps by tincanknits, made from Rowan Felted Tweed Aran. I love the little details of the pockets and the elbow patches. The blurb for the pattern is brilliant – 

“And YES, despite reasonable common-sense notions, babies DO require pockets to store their tiny little pipes, and patches to prevent them from wearing holes through the elbows of their cardigans after years of use!”  Gramps by tincanknits.