
This last week has been a bit Woolsack orientated for me. A while back, Kate from A Good Yarn asked me to design a few cushions to give people in the shop some ideas on what to make for Woolsack cushions. A lot of the ladies from Knot Just Knitting group have made some lovely cushions and last Wednesday we had a cushion making day at the shop. The local paper turned up and wrote an article about it. In the paper there was an interview with me too but that’s not on the web (thankfully).
The wool for the cushions has been donated by A Good Yarn and The Natural Fibre Company. Below is the 2nd cushion I made with some beautiful gold wool from the Natural Fibre Company. We are having a cushion stuffing day at A Good Yarn on Sunday 25th March, so please come along if you have a cushion for Woolsack.